小姐覺得這種冷颼颼的天氣,實在很適合窩在家裡下廚煮一些溫暖料理,由是那種鹹鹹辣辣吃了讓人從胃暖到心的下飯料理。最近小姐的心頭好就是食材便宜作法又簡單的泰式打拋豬,而且它可以說是便當菜的不二人選,整道菜煮起來差不多台幣60塊左右;也可以算是便宜的快速上菜省錢料理,拌飯拌麵都超適合~ 唯一要擔心的是不小心多吃一碗飯!!
噢,更不用說它跟「下酒菜」這個形容詞有多契合了~ 想知道怎麼煮就一起看下去吧!!!
∮ 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Holy Basil Stir-fry ∮
★ 數量:2人份 / yield:2 serving
★ 備料時間:5分鐘 / prep time:5 mins
★ 所需時間:10分鐘 / total time:10 mins
∮ 泰式打拋豬所需食材 Ingredients for Pork and Basil Stir-fry ∮
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing02.jpg)
@ 豬絞肉 200克 \ 200g Minced pork
@ 大蒜 3瓣 \ 3 Cloves gralic
@ 小辣椒 1~2根 \ 1~2 Hot pepper
@ 九層塔 1杯 \ 1 Cup Basil
@ 醬油 1.5大匙 \ 1.5 Tablespoons soy sauce
@ 魚露 1.5大匙 \ 1.5 Tablespoons fish sauce
@ 味霖 2大匙 \ 2 Tablespoons Mirin
∮ 泰式打拋豬作法 Direction of Pork and Basil Stir-fry ∮
1. 蒜頭、辣椒切末備用
Chop garlic & hot pepper in small pieces
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing03.jpg)
2. 將一整把的九層塔葉摘下後洗淨,切小片備用
Pick the basil leaves and discard the stem, rinse and drain, roughly chop, set aside
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing04.jpg)
3. 平底鍋加入少許橄欖油,以中火將大蒜與辣椒末炒香
Add few oilve oil in frying pan, stir the garlic and hot pepper on medium-high heat
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing05.jpg)
4. 加入豬絞肉與大蒜、辣椒翻炒約3分鐘
Stir in minced pork with gralic and hot pepper (about 3 minutes)
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing06.jpg)
5. 加入醬油、魚露與味霖翻炒,將豬肉炒至熟透
Add soy sauce, fish sauce and mirin, stir until cooked
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing07.jpg)
6. 起鍋前加入九層塔翻炒約15秒即可熄火盛盤上桌
Add basil, stir about 15 second, turn off the heat and serve immediately
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing08.jpg)
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing01.jpg)
∮ 貼心小提醒 Notes ∮
★ 豬絞肉也可以換成雞絞肉
Minced pork can be replace with minced chicken
★ 如果要拌飯一起吃,放一顆煎荷包蛋在飯上會更美味哦~
The pork and basil stir fry can serve with a fried egg on top~
![【美味食譜x美酒】拌飯拌麵都很適合 - 泰式打拋豬 Pork and Basil Stir-fry](https://winentaste.com/images/article/special/special_winni_pork_basil_recipe_wine_pairing09.jpg)